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(ro)-Set 100 buc bete portocal. Set bete din lemn de portocal.Aceste bete sunt extrem de utile in orice manichiura deoarece cu ajutorul lor aplicam accesoriile de tip nail art pe manichiura.De asemenea acelasi bat de lemn il putem folosi si la corectarea sau indepartarea surplusului de lac sau de gel atunci cand realizam manichiura.


(en)-Set of 100 pieces orange sticks. Set of orange sticks.These sticks are extremely useful in any manicure because with their help I apply nail art accessories on the manicure.We can also use the same wooden stick to correct or remove excess varnish or gel when we do the manicure.



Bete Portocal 100 buc/set

SKU: LNB 1007

Reducere de 10% la comenzile de peste £60

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